AHA Today

Grant of the Week: NEH Summer Programs for Teachers

AHA Staff | Nov 25, 2011

The National Endowment for the Humanities supports tuition-free professional development programs each summer for American school teachers. Participants receive stipends to help cover travel and living expenses. Stipend amounts are based on the length of the NEH Summer Seminar or Institute: $2,100 (2 weeks), $2,700 (3 weeks), $3,300 (4 weeks), or $3,900 (5 weeks). Full-time teachers in American K–12 schools, whether public, charter, independent, or religiously affiliated, as well as home-schooling parents, are eligible to apply to NEH Summer Seminars and Institutes for School Teachers. Teachers of American undergraduate students, as well as qualified independent scholars and those employed by museums, libraries, historical societies, and other organizations are eligible to apply for NEH Summer Seminars and Institutes for College and University Teachers. Learn also about the Landmarks of American History and Culture Workshops for School Teachers and Community College Faculty, which offer a stipend of $1,200 to cover living and travel expenses, as well as books for the workshop. The deadline for applications to all of these programs is March 1, 2012.

This post first appeared on AHA Today.

Tags: AHA Today Grant of the Week


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